These are the people in your community, [writer's] community, in your community...
You meet a variety of personalities in online Writer's Communities. Here are a few of the personalities I've encountered since joining an online writing community.Anything you can do, I can do better (or worse) Annie - Don't bother to share your good (or bad) news to the room if Annie is around. Annie must be the center of attention and will trump your tale of triumph or woe without breaking a sweat. See also Testimonial Terry
Bewildered Boaster - Bewildered (Bless his heart) loves to brag about his skills in whatever the topic is for the day. Too bad he doesn't have the slightest clue about the discussion at hand. Oh well, it really doesn't matter if Bewildered really knows what he's talking about; just know he's GOOD at whatever it is.BS Blowhard - You don't have to think hard to figure out what BS Blowhard is full of-- It ain't ideas. Blowhard possesses some strange hypnotic power over most of the community members. BS Blowhard is the man to go to for information about the industry and help although he hasn't been published yet. His ideas are over the top and always contradicts useful advice given by a published writer or agent. BS Blowhard keeps blowing his smoke and folks keep bending over so it reaches their posterior.
Colorful Commentator - Don't be fooled by this person's silence. The Colorful Commentator doesn't speak in the chat room because she's too busy talking trash about you to her partner in crime, Susie Spectator. Don't think Colorful isn't paying attention to what's going on in the room. She is taking note of all the conversations and commenting to pal Susie Spectator.
Conspiracy Carl - Poor Carl still hasn't gotten his big break in publishing. While he has yet to actually complete a manuscript (why bother if there are no buyers) he is convinced the problem is within the Publishing Industry. There is a conspiracy against him in New York. Don't worry, you will get the full story since he will happily share his views to you and the room whether you ask him or not.Know-It All Nancy - Got a historical question? Not sure about certain police procedure? Need a realistic drug reaction? Know-It-All Nancy has all the answers. She knows everything about everything...except why she isn't published.
POD Plugger - Fed up after her third manuscript rejection, POD Plugger decided to self-publish her first book. It's been over a year and she's managed to proudly sell less than 100 copies, but who's counting? POD Plugger makes sure to mention at least once a month her excitement over selling less than 100 books. The room eagerly awaits the day POD finally breaks the 100 book hurdle.Poor-mouth Polly - Poor-mouth Polly always has financial woes worse than yours. So what if you just had to shell out $200 to repair your computer? Polly's computer is 10 years old and constantly crashes but she can't afford a new one. There are a lot of things Polly can't afford and she doesn't hesitate to remind the room often. Polly is guaranteed to bring the conversation to a screetching halt.
Pretentious Beast - THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! What's that sound? Why it can only be the sound of a Pretentious Beast making his way to chat room. If you haven't encountered one, count yourself lucky. The Pretentious Beast stalks writer chats with the intent of killing all conversations about "plebian" literature. If you mistakenly find yourself in a Pretentious Beast's lair, take caution. There will be no discussing genre literature for the night. Unless you enjoy discussing various long-winded metaphors for life, prepare to find yourself bored to tears.
Slapstick Sam - This is the guy who feels it is his duty to repeatedly entertain us with the same 8 delightful zingers (i.e. "I write mysteries. Publishers read my work and ask what is this?") Ba dum bum ching.
Susie Spectator - Susie doesn't really participate in discussions having realized that no real information is exchanged. She just shows up for the cheap entertainment. Susie always has a cyber bowl of popcorn waiting for the next big argument which is sure to start in 10 minutes. Often found trading private IMs with Colorful Commentator.
Testimonial Terry - Did you have a good day? Well think twice before sharing with the group if Terry's lurking about. Like Anything Annie, Terry cannot stand for anyone else to receive attention in the room for a long period (30 seconds) of time. While Terry cannot top your news, he can mention his own good news to interrupt your moment.
Un-funny Frank - Did you walk in on the end of a joke? Don't ask Frank about it. He never seems to get the joke since he proudly lacks a sense of humor. Don't give him a chance to get started about his deficiency unless you feel like reading the entire list of Frank's family, who all possess the humor gene.
How many of these characters have you encountered in your community?
I know every one of these people................
I'm going to link this to my own blog... it's TOO FUNNY
Dear God.
I've met nearly all - all in one person.
LOL - I'm just hoping I'm not one!
Of course not!
I have to admit I am guilty of being both the spectator and the commentator. But I guess that was kind of obvious. LOL!
Hell, I think I am about six of them.
Bless Bernita's heart for not using me as an example before I got here.
OMG, I've seen all of them! (g) And like Ginny, I can identify. You can call me Miss Spectator. LOL!
Definitely NOT you, Mark.
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