Better Left Unsaid
I was thinking about some of the words and phrases that irritate me. Unfortunately, once you realize these things annoy you, it seems like you hear or read them everywhere. Here are a few of the phrases that set my nerves on edge.
1. "I'm just saying (tho)" - Yes, I'm aware you are saying something although I believe it was more than tho.
2. "Where you at" - used as a statement "It doesn't matter where you at but where you going"
3. "Who dat (is)" - Ok sing it with me "Dat just my Baby Daddy"
4. "Holla" - Unless you're Marvin Gaye reacting to the way they do your life, let's not.
5. "First beginning" - I think this one creates a knee-jerk reaction mainly because I always hear it like this " (Insert Crappy College) is where I got my first beginning"
6. "(See) What had happened was" - Here's a public service announcement. Usually when someone begins a statement with "See what had happened was"; it's going to be followed with a lie. Just thought you should know.
7. "Needless to say" - Then don't say it!
8. "Me, Myself, Personally, (I)" - This one cracks me up every time I hear it.
What commonly used phrases irritate you?
Phrases that bug me....
I can't say that any particular phrase bugs me as much as people using words wrong. And then they're CERTAIN that they are right, when they're not....
"just the tip of the iceberg"
and "town lost its innocence."
Ok, so I actually read this the other night, and then I hung my head in the phrase horror. I use a lot of those sayings oh so many times.
I'm trying to think of a phrase that causes me to see red.. and right now I can't think of any. Ok.. I guess this one might count. "How are you?" Now if this is uttered by a good friend, or even someone who might care, it's ok. But if uttered in passing.. say in the hallway or whatever.. Don't even ask, you don't really want to know. Just say "Hey", "Hi" or even just wave as you go by. But don't ask it unless you mean it.
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