Friday, September 01, 2006

Please Proceed with the Wet Noodle Beating

Yeah, okay, Ginny, I FORGOT TO POST.. I know, I know, bad Candice, bad bad bad...

So I've been busy.

Some would say, I've been insanely busy.

But some would say, (my husband in particular) that I've been "under the weather." I think I'm agreeing with him.

I haven't been writing like I should.

I have an excuse. I broke the "y" key on my laptop. Don't panic, now, it's still functional, but I popped it off, and I can't get it popped back on right. Why, do you ask, did I do such a thing? And on such an innocent key as the "y" key? Because my 'h' key was messed up.

Let me explain. The "h" key was not working right -- every time I hit the "h," the computer typed "h6." So, I tried cleaning underneath, considering that maybe a long hair had gotten stuck between the keys or some such. And the key in between the "h" and the "6" was the "y" key.

So now, when I type, I am very careful of hitting that "y" key as I go along, because I don't want to break it off...

Which is why I haven't been writing that much as of late. I NEVER realized how many times I strike a "y" when typing...

In fact, up to this point, I've typed 37 "y's..."

Which is why I've been ginger with my laptop keyboard.

And I know the symptoms -- cranky, moody, an urge to literally POUND on the keys as I type in something online. Shoot, when I need to write, I type even faster when doing anything else, and there's an almost violence when I hit the keyboard.

Why is that?

Why when I need to type something, when I need to write like I should, I start pounding on the keyboard like there's no tomorrow? And when I'm writing like I should, I'm so much kinder to the keys.

Right now, if my keys were people, they'd be a bloody mess.

I don't get this concept, but I have a theory.

(You knew I had a theory)

I think, in my own goofy mind, that the pounding on the keys is like my muses screaming at me, through my fingers, that I should be writing. My body, in some physiological way, knows that I should be writing, so it's trying to prove its point by hitting the keys harder.

Guess I'd better go get some more writing done, or I'll mutilate this keyboard.

Ps: 75 "y's" in this entire post.


Ginny said...

I wasn't going to say anything else about your missing post. I'm turning my EVIL eye on Jenn. *g*

Hope you get your keyboard in order.

MoonCat said...

Zoinks! Holy irrational panic Batman! I guess I better get to work on today's blog entry.