Monday, January 29, 2007

Trapped Between The Words

It's interesting what happens when you sit down to write something. It's like cracking open a new world for you to find.

Sometimes you find yourself trapped in a space that's not what you're used to, and you want to immediately stop.

Sometimes, the words flow so naturally, you can't help but work.

I'm the type, when I find that former mentioned space, that I start fidgiting. I refill my drink. I go smoke. I get something to munch on, I backtrack and go over previous segments to make sure I'm in the mood. I fiddle with my hair. I go pee. Anything to avoid opening that vein to get that particular scene down.

Which is exactly what it feels like, because it usually happens when I have to dig into a character's head, and figure out her motivation. Notice I said "her." Men, I have no problem with. Women, my female protags especially, I feel like I'm looking too deep, that there's too much there, and I don't want to see it.

Perhaps this is me, transfering my own incredible ability to deny anything emotional into my characters's, or maybe, it's because I know how much of my characters are me, and how much of them aren't.

Sometimes I just don't want to see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting perspective.

I think women internalize a lot, analyze and generally go through every single minute detail before speaking, and therefore, what they say doesn't always relate to what they feel.

After all, women have been taught literally for centuries that they are weaker, they are less important, and that everything about being a woman is degrading.

And that a proper lady thinks before she speaks, that she's quiet and reserved, unallowed in polite company to speak her mind, etc, etc.

So for me, it seems obvious why women are so complicated, trying to stay within boundaries that have been ingrained all their lives.

Which makes them more complicated.