Sunday, April 22, 2007

Finally a use for those Advanced Math Classes

I was explaining a dilemma I had with my wip to my mother. Character A couldn't be next on stage because I needed her free to check on Character D later on. I couldn't have her on stage because I needed her to observe a person in the audience. So that left her as either first on stage or last. Since my character wasn't popular enough to be a headliner, the only option was for her to be first. During this explanation my mother interrupts to point out that it was sort of like an algebraic equation (she's more mathematically inclined).

"You have to get both sides to balance for Character A."

"Oh like B+C -A=Death"?

"Exactly", she then adds, "Well, you finally found a use for those Algebra classes." ::Insert foot stomping cackle::

Writing Equations, who knew!

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